Today I had to reconfigure two pieces of my third chair-- The back leg and the armrest. The armrest was much too low, at 6 inches above the seat. That would have made the armrest unusable, so I raised it to 9 inches, a standard height for comfortable arm-resting...

After cutting out those pieces, I took my time setting up the whole chair so I can weld all the pieces simultaneously. This is a technique my metal teacher recommended. This way can ensure the layout of the whole chair before beginning welding.
One of the key lessons that was reinforced today is patience. After realizing (thank god I realized) that I needed to reconfigure part of the chair, I got anxious. It wasn't according to my plan, and it made me frustrated that I had to backtrack and cut at the cold saw. It's the same issue as architecture model building-- which is time consuming and often requires backtracking.
As a result of my frustration, I was sloppy with my cuts, and had to backtrack even further to correct the careless mistakes.
I'm a little worried that the chair will be back heavy, meaning that it has too much weight on the back end of the chair and will capsize. Time will soon tell...!
What do you think of the design? I personally find it the most elegant one so far. It's so simple, which is awesome!