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Chair 1, Post 6/ Rachel

The first frame is finished! Now all I need are some signs to finish the chair...

Time to fabricate: About 15 hours
Amount of tubing: About 15 feet
Height: 15-16"
Seat: 16" by 16"
Length of backing: 16" at 105 angle slant

Today, I started work on my next design:
The design is rather simple, with three long pieces, each with a single bend. However simple that sounds, the bends will be hard to coordinate, and even harder to duplicate. This design is certainly more challenging to fabricate than the first one!

Today, I was speaking with some of my metalworking classmates, and one of them mentioned my blog. She said, "my goal is to make it on your blog." I smiled and even laughed aloud, not because I thought it was a ridiculous idea, but because I didn't know she was even
following this blog. As my laughing died down, I thought, "hey, why not feature my classmates' work on my blog?"

So it is with pleasure that I introduce you to Rachel Prensky-Pomeranz, a petite and always smiling sophomore--the very classmate who mentioned my blog today:
Here she is bending one side of her frame.
Rachel designed, and it now creating, a spirally based square seat, with may have a folding back feature. She was kind enough to let me snap some photos of her sketches:
I can't seem to shift this image, but the text reads:

1) Cut down metal for side panels into correct lengths (x5)
2) Bend bend bend! (x5)
3) Decide/design hinge system
4) Weld panels together! (add reinforcements)
5) Grind
6) Paint
Rachel plans with much more precision than I do, that's for sure! Feel free to leave comments for Rachel about her work.

Tomorrow I return to the metal shop. One bend at a time, I will create the second frame of this four part series.



1 comment:

  1. As my laughing died down, I thought, "hey, why not feature my classmates' work on my blog?"


    okay aside from that, you're awesome. Great post - very enjoyable to read...despite the fact that I have no idea what any of the technical stuff means. Keep it up.

