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Chair 1 Upholstering (2)

Hey all,

I'm back from my spring break. Into quite a few colleges, so I have this month to decide. I'm pulling for a school I was wait-listed at though, it's my top choice right now.

Anyways, to metal: I've cut all the pieces for the upholstering of Chair 1. Tomorrow I'll re-shine the frame/ make the frame look as nice as possible. If I finish that, I'll spray the frame down with a coat of Shellac to give the metal some shine and a smooth texture. Then comes the riveting. And then I'll have one chair complete!

Here are some photos of today's work:

I notched the traffic signs that fit onto the bottom.
Bottom of the chair, where the user will be able to place objects that are related to the use of the chair (i.e books for reading on chair, remote controller for T.V watching in chair).
The backing of the chair--> an arrow pointing down, pointing out the obvious, that there is a place to sit below!

Till tomorrow.



  1. Looking good! Can we see a full view tomorrow!!!!Very impressed by your skills!

  2. I like the idea of storing stuff under the chair, so you don't need a side table. The blue color of the sign is really bright and colorful. Cheers you up.
